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Mysticus board game prototype
This is our prototype, so the final product will of course look a bit different.

A Council of Wizards

     “As a wizard, your magic is totally, absolutely reliable. Uh... most of the time. What's unreliable are your puny, utterly hopeless minions! Them, and, finding the right spell book in your vast library of knowledge at precisely the moment you need it... But if only those blasted minions would stop getting lost, partying, being cursed or trampled by other wizards' minions, and just straight up dying on you, you'd get so much more done!
    "Just a few more cleverly placed runes, and you're sure you'll be the head of the new wizard council in no time! Of course, you could simply go out and place them yourself, but why take such a risk when you have minions to do your dirty work for you? Besides, wizard politics are tricky - you wouldn't want to be
seen actively opposing the other wizards - before you have a strategy to trounce theirs, at least!”

A Council of Wizards is the central, unifying board game of the Mysticus Game System. In this game, each player is a wizard with their own tower somewhere on a map of varied, potentially changing terrain. From there, they send out and direct little minions, moving them into positions where they can weave runes, squabble with enemy minions, and lay siege to opponents' towers. Cleverly placed runes can be used to make your plays more efficient, to capture enemy towers, or to construct magic triangles that power spell cards and generally make you more powerful. Your goal is to capture your opponents, whether by magic or by threat of minion might, and thus land yourself at the head of the new wizard council!
Mysticus Tower 2.png

​Your wizard tower is your base of operations, and the focus for your magic. Defend it carefully, or risk capture by your clever and conniving competitors. It spawns minions for you, but it can't move... usually.


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Minions come in varied shapes and sizes, making some stronger and others tougher, and dramatically changing how they can interact with terrain. Some even have special abilities.


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​Your runes are the source of your influence and power, sort of like structures in an RTS game. Align them to various targets to power spells and capture opponents, or build them into triangular superstructures for an extra boost.


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​Most of the cards in the game constitute Spells and wizard Powers. Meeting their requirements and then playing them can give you long-lasting benefits, or momentary phenomenal cosmic powers.


As prototypes become available and beta testing commences, A Council of Wizards is the game that they will feature, because it combines aspects of many of the other games, because its requirements constitute the base set for the game system as a whole, and because it represents the very heart of the Mysticus Game System.

Though other games in the system will vary widely, we currently rate A Council of Wizards as follows - though be aware that we are still in alpha testing and these ratings are not final.

 Complexity: Moderate       (above Splendor and Settlers of Catan, similar to Clank, below Spirit Island and D&D)
 Ages:              13+                  (unless your 10-year old is an awesome nerd)
 Game Time:  ¾-3 hrs.         (Depending on number and experience of players)
 Setup Time:  5-15 min.    
  (Depending on whether you already know the rules, and how you build the map)
 Players:          2-4                   (Possibly 1-8 with other games or expansions, later)

Furthermore, you can trust our games to have a traditional, conservative, family-friendly and Christian-compatible nature, as well as a lighthearted tone and the best sort of tongue-in-cheek humor. We'll especially eschew inappropriate references, sensual topics, and very dark themes, as well as charged topics like politics, religion, and gender. Now, add to that a creative board system, a neat combat mechanic, and awesomely powerful spells, and we have something that we hope will both bring people together and give them a laugh, all while satisfying every nerdy bone in your body!


The Overarching System

Mysticus is not just a board game, but a whole Board Game System - a unique set of terrain and combat mechanics with which a number of varied games can be played. From minor skirmishes to full games with completely separate rules, from wrangling minions to leading the Arcane Council, from creative Genesis to Apocalyptic destruction, and from politicking wizards to cooperating allies fighting a rising darkness, Mysticus takes board-gaming to a meta level. It is reconfigurable and flexible, from its map to its rules, and includes numerous interconnecting games. Hopefully, it will even provide you with an empowering terrain system for use with other popular tabletop and RPG games!

We invite gamers like yourself - casual, and die-hard players alike - to then continue even further, where no gamer has gone before, and develop your own games and rules on our system! Publish them in our forum, spread your ideas, and who knows? Maybe they'll be selected and added to our official repertoire! Or, you know, accidentally break time and space and start leaking Fellfog through the seams of the world.


Now It's Your Turn

As an indie startup, we could use all the help we can get, so we invite everyone interested to please click the button below to leave us your email, and contact us if you have questions! This list is mainly for us to make you aware when releases occur, and so that we will know once we have enough support to launch a promising Kickstarter. You have our thanks.
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