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The plethora of ideas that Mysticus is built on have come over a period of many years. They began as a trickle - the ideas of a child, trying to make a game that tickled all of his fancies, and never bringing it to completion. Then, later, more ideas in fits and spurts, completing something to play test with, and never finding a balance. Then finally, a veritable flood of ideas, drastically changing the original game and bringing it finally to life.
That child, Nathan Tibbetts, is now a college graduate and small business owner. Mysticus is currently developed primarily in his home, at a cluttered desk full of game pieces, as well as odds and ends that just look really cool. The terrain artwork is done by hand, here, while the cards and much of the other artwork are commissioned from Ethan Brown Illustrates.
Mysticus is currently in its prototyping phase, and we are getting things ready to advance from Alpha testing to Beta testing for its first game, A Council of Wizards. As we open a GoFundMe, begin to sell prototypes, and start a Kickstarter, we hope you will join in our excitement over this project!
We are still small, so progress will be relatively slow for a while, but we need the time to grow and spread the word anyway.
About The Creators
We're a fun, very Christian group of people with strong traditional and conservative values, and we want to make games that everybody can feel comfortable with. Whether we end up making games as a hobby, or are able to do it full time, it will be because it's fun, and because we believe in the inherent cleverness and value of our ideas - whether or not they become particularly successful!
Nathan Tibbetts personally manages and designs many of the aspects of the Mysticus Game System and its company, Mysticus Game Systems LLC, including game mechanics, terrain art, the website, running play tests, etc. He has an Applied & Computational Mathematics Emphasis degree, with a doctoral aim for Computer Science. His larger dream, to follow after this one, is the development of the Links computer operating system, mentioned below.
Angie Shoemaker is his assistant, play-tester, and game enthusiast, and has been invaluable in helping the progress to actually move along - as well as in providing encouragement, moral support, and additional ideas for the project. She also helps with QA and video design.
Funding Links Labs
We hope that our proceeds will be enough to help launch and partially fund the research and development of the Links computer operating system, which is under development by the owner's other company, Links Labs. Please visit for more details.
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